Rethinking the SDIA: Regional Cloud & IT Infrastructure
Evaluating the SDIA to become an association working on regional sustainability.
COP26 article for The Tech Capital
COP26 came with a lot of expectations. One could believe that this was the event that will solve climate change with one meeting. The Conference of Parties is not about making large, global decisions, its about agreeing on the practical implementation of the Paris Agreement between 198 countries. And despite
And how do we create a sustainable digital economy?
The digital economy manifests itself in the real world through the infrastructure that powers it and the devices that enable access to digital products and services. The rest of the digital economy is an interconnected system of generating, transporting, processing, and displaying bits – ones and zeros. The underlying infrastructure generates
Transparency & the digital realm: A briefing for nonprofits and call for collaboration
We need your help to bring transparency into the digital realm. Editing by Michael J. Oghia [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwihjaKqnuj1AhUQwKQKHXz9BvcQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%
What is the role of facility management in the sustainability equation of digital infrastructure?
The business of data centers is booming around the world. New actors such as infrastructure investors and technology companies are acquiring, building and expanding new and existing facilities. With this new found growth, comes new found responsibility in the public eye. Many countries such as the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, the
Transparency as a Viable Sustainability Strategy for Data Center Operators
Editing by Michael J. Oghia [https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeoghia?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAAduDS8BR2d5FH6A4pgaswXEOrwq-2SxyoI&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3Bki2d7vQSR6O5Jx6weTn8tg%3D%3D] , originally written for the SDIA [https://sdia.io]. Background The digital economy is growing rapidly. Internet traffic is expected to
Why Sustainability needs to be sexy
Let’s start by painting a picture to illustrate the problem. Imagine attending a conference. You see a person in front of the building getting out of an Mercedes S-Class with a driver. It’s a woman in tailored outfit, with every insignia of success - an expensive watch, briefcase